December 21, 2012
Iztaru | Proclamation for Peace
Winter Solstice | Iztaru, Costa Rica | Mayan Calendar Shift
December 21, 2012
Winter Solstice | Iztaru, Costa Rica | Mayan Calendar Shift
Indigena supported and facilitated in partnership with the indigenous nations of Costa Rica holding multiple actions at the United Nations University for Peace in San Jose. This alliance, along with representatives from the Inter-American Court, presented a Proclamation for Peace with Mother Earth to the Presidential Office of Costa Rica on the Mayan Calendar shift of 2012. This was the first time in history all of the indigenous nations came forth to presence a unified vision and voice. To further honor this moment in celebration, a multi-cultural fire ceremony was held on the sacred mountain of Iztaru, which was blessed by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the 19th Generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe and spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota people also know as the Great Sioux Nation.
Maleku, Boruca, Bribri, Térraba, Ngobe, Chorotega, Huetar, Cabécar